About Me

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I'm just a country girl trying to find my way in life.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Getting started......with Research!

Welcome to my blog!

I'm starting my blog adventure out with new goal in life.... to become a runner! Let me start out by saying, I'm not a runner or even a jogger. I'm more of the girl you see walking around the neighborhood at a good pace on a pretty day. (First fact about me... I HATE cold weather and you will not catch me out if its below 60 degrees.)

Though I'm not completely inactive, I'm by no means a fit and fabulous 25 year old. I am a certified Zumba instructor and up until my husband and I moved, I taught 2 classes almost 5 days a week. Dancing is a passion of mine and I totally believe in Zumba! I watched the pounds fall off after teaching for only 2 months. The issue I have now with Zumba is, since moving I can't find a place to teach classes.  Needless to say, after a month of not teaching (or doing regular cardio) I've packed on the pounds. So after watching a dear friend morph into this running queen and seeing all the weight she lost,  I have decided to become a runner. However, this is not a decision that I'm going to take lightly. I have major knee issues and I get shin splints really easily. Not to mention, I've gotten into the habit of laying on the couch as soon as I get home from work and not moving till its dinner time.

I figured the best way to get started without injuries and to insure my success, would be to research. So today I've done my homework. I've found a training plan that I'm going to use (Couch to 5K), enlisted a partner (my best friend in Texas),  found a blog to inspire me (www.skinnyrunner.com) and chose a date to complete my training (January 15, 2012). With my basic homework complete, I'm doing an extra credit assignment to find the right gadgets I need to be a runner. (Shoes, watches, clothing, etc.) After I've finished my extra credit, I plan on starting my new adventure next Monday!

I hope that from this blog, I can inspire and help other women out there that are like me.... not runners, but want to be a runner. Keep following my blog to find out how I'm doing and tips/tricks I discover along my running journey.


****Picture above is my husband and myself****

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