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I'm just a country girl trying to find my way in life.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Follow up to RAK

My RAK have been going so well! If you've never made it your goal to do a RAK for someone, you should defiantly try it sometime. The surprised look on that persons face is such a blessing!  For example, I bought two pound cakes from Kroger and a Thank You card, that I delivered to a Fire Station in my community. I was greeted at the door by a young fireman who was curious as to what I needed. Little did he know, I didn't need anything. I handed him the cakes with the card and told him that I just wanted to say thank you to all the firemen/women that serve our community. He was very happy and appreciative of  the cakes and quickly returned inside to share the goodies with his fellow fire fighters.
My other RAK have included hand written cards for two ladies that work with me. They too were surprised by my gesture and thanked me for being kind. My most recent RAK was yesterday in which I took part in my church's annual Thanksgiving Outreach. It was so moving to witness how many families are in need of food for Thanksgiving and how truly thankful they were for the groceries they received at no cost. I found myself wishing I could do more to help those in need, even if its just a hug and a kind word.
The lesson I have discovered with the RAK, is that they are contagious! Once you completed one random act of kindness, you are ready to do another. Not only are you excited to make someones day, others see what you are doing and they too want to participate! Just think of the possibilities if everyone did just one RAK everyday. The world would be full of love and compassion for others and that would amazing to witness.

If you're looking for Random Acts of Kindness here are some ideas. Get creative and make someone's day!

-hand out flowers to the elderly at a nursing home.
-leave a box of cookies with a note in your mailbox for you postman/woman.
-volunteer to read to children at the library.
-write a thank you note to a co-worker or friend. 
-push all the stray carts in the super market parking lot to the return cart area.
-pay for the persons food in line behind you at the drive-thru.
-put some change in the Salvation Army's buckets.
-make hand-made cards for the elderly at nursing homes.
-hide dollar bills in the toy section of a dollar store.
-help someone put their groceries in there car.
-make sweet treats for the police department or fire station.
-take school supplies to a local school.
-leave a generous tip for your waiter with a thank you note.
-write a sweet message on your friends Facebook wall.
-volunteer at a children's hospital.
-send a care package to a solider.
- open the door for someone.
-volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
-donate unwanted clothing to a local church or shelter.

Good luck and have fun!

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